Natural (and gentle) Makeup Remover



Hello Naturals! I know I haven’t paid as much attention to this blog as I should, but I feel we all fall victim to life’s business, right? But have you ever noticed what a drag it is trying to take off makeup at the end of the day? I mean aside from all the different products we use (eye remover pads, face cleansing wipes, exfoliation, then washing, then moisturizing!), it’s so time consuming as well. Who wants to come in after a busy day and a late night to spend all that time and energy taking their makeup off? Not me. So here’s the solution! (It’s not so new either…) using our good ole coconut oil to remove makeup is a quick and much more gentle way to remove makeup. I have noticed since doing this that it has helped with acne and pulls out no eyelashes when trying to remove mascara! Plus it cuts down on your time in the bathroom because, as I wrote in my “Go Nuts For Coconuts” post, coconut oil is a natural cleanser, knocking out the time for washing AND moisturizing! Once you rinse the oil off with the makeup, the skin isn’t left dry and stripped making no need for moisturizer. So to make this short: take a quarter sized amount of virgin/organic, cold pressed coconut oil, rub it in your hands, then on your face to remove face makeup. Make sure your eyes are closed tight enough so as not to get any oil in them when removing eye makeup. Lastly, run warm/hot water to rinse the oil and makeup off, then pat dry your face. Any excess oil you can rub into the skin to moisturize. If you still feel that there is more makeup on your face you can proceed washing as normal, or what I do is swipe toner to get whatever is left. ENJOY!!!!

P.S. I wouldn’t recommend oil cleansing in the morning, especially not in the summer. I tried it a few times and after putting on makeup I just looked like a shiny greaseball all day. You have been warned!!!

No Need for Falsies!



Hello everyone! I want to apologize for being gone so long, but blogging has to be the last thing on my mind during midterm weeks. But I must say I needed a little hiatus in order to try out some new goodies and make sure they work to keep you all beautiful and natural! So today I’m going to set the acne talk aside and talk a bit about eyelashes! So I think it’s safe to assume the majority of us don’t put proper care into maintaining good eyelash health (I KNOW I’m super guilty of this). But have no fear! Because I have a solution. Let me first state how this came up. I’ve been on this kick lately of putting effort into myself in the mornings now and actually wearing makeup more often (ok I’ll be honest…everyday) because it just makes even the worst day ever feel a little better when I know I don’t look like a troll. Haha! But when I would come home and strip off all that gunk on my face, I noticed how short and sparse my eyelashes looked! So immediately I jumped online and did some research on how to fix this problem and I found out that wearing mascara everyday dries out the eyelashes and taking the makeup off every night pulls some of the eyelashes out. OH NOOOOOOO!!! I need those!!!! So I found that people actually sell eyelash growth serums and all that jazz with the harmful ingredients and blah blah…you’ve all heard my “natural is best rant”. So I did some deeper research and found out that eyelashes need to be moisturized just like the hair on our heads, or else they become brittle and begin to break. I then remembered that our hair is full of oils that it needs, both naturally produced oils, and the extra oils we should give it to aid in its repair. So I started using Dessert Essence Jojoba Oil on my eyelashes at night before I jumped into bed and each morning when I wake up I notice them looking fuller, healthier, more shiny, and when I put on a coat of mascara, I could totally pass for wearing falsies some days. This post ended up being longer than I imagined, especially since I was just talking about eyelashes. But the moral of this rant is this: wearing makeup everyday is completely ok! Just make sure to hydrate those lashes after taking that makeup off! And P.S. It doesn’t have to be jojoba oil, it can be coconut oil (my favorite), almond oil, olive oil, even some good ole Vaseline! No need to buy expensive products at all. I hope you all enjoy and don’t forget…Stay Natural! Stay Beautiful!

Stuffy Nose, watery eyes, sinus pressure…ALERGIES!!


Aaaaaaalllrighty. So I’m changing blog day to Thursdays now that I’ve had a change of schedule and I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted last. But today’s topic is about allergies! I’m aware that Spring has arrived and (depending on where you live) the flowers are popping out and the wind is whipping up making every particle make its way into your nose. Now while I see no issues with taking allergy pills and sinus relievers, (because I know how well they work!) I just want to point out a more natural option if you happen to have the time. So that brings me to the Netty Pot. The Netty Pot has gained a lot of popularity in the past 3 years or so for its effectiveness in irrigating the sinus passageways to alleviate cold and allergy symptoms. I must say that I agree 100%. I haven’t taken allergy pills in over a year now. Now granted I didn’t stop taking them because I was looking for a natural alternative, but allergy pills are so expensive! And let’s face it, there comes a point when mom and dad don’t wanna pay 20$ for a 40 count bottle every month or two. And I’m too cheap to take on that heavy payment myself. Ok enough rambling. My dad turned me on to the Netty Pot a few years ago and it works wonders. It clears out any pollen and dust that may be tickling your nose or stuffing you up. So gives a little abstract about exactly why this method works so well. They say, “A more biological explanation for how the Neti pot works has to do with tiny, hair-like structures called cilia that line the inside of the nasal and sinus cavities. These cilia wave back and forth to push mucus either to the back of the throat where it can be swallowed, or to the nose to be blown out. Saline solution can help increase the speed and improve coordination of the cilia so that they may more effectively remove the allergens and other irritants that cause sinus problems.” There it is folks. Need I say more? Now I must warn you that this takes about 10 minutes (maybe less actually) to warm your water, stir in the solution, and irrigate each side of your nose, but if you have a few moments before you jump in bed at night. I highly recommend it. Below I will list the steps to the procedure along with a picture of this product if you would like to purchase it. Oh and I’ll put prices, places to buy, and an alternative way to do this if you don’t want to buy this product yet.

1. Run warm, clean water to fill your pot. (I just use sink water but my dad boiled teapot water and let’s it cool I guess to make sure it’s cleaner)

2. Put in your packet of saline salt. Stir until it’s dissolved.

3. Bend over your sink, head facing down, and tilt you head to the side.

4. Then then slowly pour the water through each side of your nose. (You can split one pot of water in half and do each side of the nose, or you can make two separate pots of water, whichever you prefer.)

Another method is to do the same procedure but with a measuring cup (with a spout) and a half a teaspoon of salt. This is if you are not ready to buy a Netty Pot.
Here it is:


They are anywhere from $15-$20 at Walgreens!>

Honey and Cinnamon Mask



Alrighty, so I’m well aware that this is my second post on acne so far, with the first being the coconut oil face wash. But acne is something that I have been struggling so much with since my first year of college. Now when I say I’ve tried every acne treatment…I mean it. From acne zappers, clarisonic, over the counter face washes, exfoliators, creams, extractors, yea the list gets pretty gross after a while. But the point is that I started college and my acne flared up out of control with pimples and zits EVERYWHERE! I mean, how’s a girl supposed to get a date with this mess right? But lately I’ve really been researching natural remedies for bad acne since all the harsh chemicals weren’t working. So far I have learned that acne is hereditary for one (DANG IT!!), secondly it’s made worse by bacteria in the air and from your hands, and thirdly…ummmm ok I forgot the third one, whatever it was must have not been important to me. Sorry guys. But! After finding multiple at home remedies such as a lemon and baking soda scrub, sea salt and lemon scrub, and brown sugar and olive oil exfoliation, I came across the famous honey and cinnamon face mask! Long story short…it works! According to (this site is fantastic, I take their advice very seriously!), honey and cinnamon are both loaded with antibacterial and anti fungal properties which are great at fighting acne. But beware, it doesn’t cure all acne. Most acne and the occasional pimple is caused by bacteria from the air, your hands, your pillow case, and that face towel that you keep reusing everyday until laundry day! It’s ok, I do it too, but I know that needs to change. Ok, back to the topic. For this reason, honey and cinnamon is the perfect remedy for acne! Bad news…it won’t do much for hereditary or cystic acne. So the next time you break out, try this simple at home remedy and see if it works for you! Oh but first, try a little test of it on your inner arm or something to make sure you are not allergic to honey. Appears toy it’s a common allergen!

On another note, if you suffer from bad acne as I do, try keeping everything clean! Use a different washcloth everyday, clean your pillowcases once a week. If the acne is THAT bad, try changing the pillowcase every two days or so. And never…I mean EVER! dry your face with the towel you dry your body with. Ok I think that’s all. Have a nice week!

Stress really CAN be a mess!


Alrighty, so I’m sure I won’t be posting blogs daily like this, but seeing that it’s day 2 of finals week for me I wanted to address the topic of stress. Stress effects all of us differently, but what I’m sure of is that it effects everyone. From nail biting, scratching, loss or gain in appetite, stress takes a toll on our bodies that we need to be aware of. Since stress is such and abstract health problem unlike acne, hair loss, or weight gain, we always seem to push it aside on our to-do list of health concerns. But there’s hope! Set aside that Advil, aspirin, and back massager, because there’s much more natural ways to deal with our stress than popping pills for our pain. So what are my thoughts on this I’m sure you’re thinking? Well I’m going to tell you what we’ve heard all our lives on commercials, health class, and self help books: diet, exersize, and…laughing! Ok so maybe laughing wasn’t the most obvious one but guess what…it’s true! So when we exercise our body releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy! Well, everything Reese Witherspoon said about exercise and endorphins on legally blonde is totally true but I have even better news! Laughing secretes the same chemicals making you feel pleasant and happy. And let’s face it guys, happiness reduces stress! But as I was saying before I got lost in laughter, was diet and exercise. These two things are so basic but enhance our lives in so many ways. Working out those stiff muscles helps loosen them up and ease common pains like back, neck, and shoulder pains we get from stress. I feel like I’m rambling on and on but I get excited when all the old tricks in the book work!

So one more thing. What do you like to do? What’s your hobby? Finding a hobby is another way to get your mind off the current stress you’re under, even if only for a second! Is it painting your nails? Playing an instrument? Riding your bike? Playing with your kids? Whatever it is try to set aside at least 10 minutes for this a day to just have a moment to yourself. Now I know, I know. We lead busy lives and exercise and time for a hobby is close to impossible. Exercise can be done anywhere! Take a lunchtime walk around campus or around your office, do some calf raises while waiting for the bus, run up the stairs in your house or apartment building when you get in from work or school. Get creative! And your body will thank you. Also, if you have 10 minutes to spare throughout your day, youtube has great SHORT workout videos to get you and push that stress off your shoulders.
Good luck! Has great short exercises to get you moving!


Go Nuts for Coconuts!




So for my first post on this new blog I wanted to address the wonderful and magical qualities of coconut oil. I have heard that coconut oil has over 100 uses, and I looked it up and it’s true! Don’t believe me? Google “101 uses for coconut oil”. Anyways, coconut oil is this all natural oil used for hair, skin, acne, cooking, and soooo much more. But today, I’m going to address coconut oil for acne. In 2013 I had the worst year of acne struggles in my life. All through high school and the teenage years I never struggled too bad with my acne, just little breakouts here and there, but the stress of college took a toll on my skin and all the harsh chemicals, creams and astringents were taking its toll and making my skin much worse than I imagined. So after turning to every store bought acne treatment and makeup cover ups I could find, I stumbled across this magical coconut oil as a face wash! Yes, that’s right, face wash. “Won’t oil just make the acne worse?” Yea I’ve heard that comment and many similar ones, BUT it doesn’t! I know that’s like me telling you to run a marathon to heal a broken leg, but hear me out. Our skin produces natural oils, and when we strip our skin with harsh chemicals it dries out our skin making it want to produce more oil. this oil being produced also causes acne. But adding proper moisture and oil to your skin, can help clear your acne and also reduce that ugly shininess we fight with blotting paper everyday. So ok ok, I’m no scientific expert, but I can tell you I’ve been on this for 5 weeks and it works wonders! I’ve also seen and read of many success stories with the oil washing method. So I seem to be rambling now, so without further hesitation, I’ll put this washing method below:

1. Add a dime sized amount of oil to your DRY face and rub in a clockwise motion.

2. Rub in for up to 5 minutes. (2-3 minutes will do as well if your in a hurry)

3. Rinse off with warm/hot water. (More hot than warm but. DONT BURN YOUR FACE OFF!)

4. Pat dry with a clean towel 

5. Rub any extra oil into your face. You will not need toner, or moisturizer. It works as all of this!

6. Be patient. the acne will not go away overnight. I personally saw results with shininess in a few days. With acne about 2 weeks.

info: repeat twice a day in the morning and before bed. Perform this with CLEAN hands. Also the coconut oil I use is cold pressed Spectrum brand coconut oil from Walmart. It’s available in Walmart, Target, WholeFoods, Roots, Amazon, Ebay, and many other places. Most importantly make sure it’s COLD PRESSED! If it’s not than all the important nutrients have been cooked out of it. Good luck!

oops! One more thing! This is a BUDGET FRIENDLY method! I bought this coconut oil for $5.97 at Walmart for a 16 oz. jar and I barely made a dent in it in 5 weeks. It is cheap and will last for over a year depending on how many things you use it for. Also it replaced my face wash, toner, moisturizer, and acne creams! All those cost me approximately $35. Reap the savings! Ok that’s all.